๐บExplore Movements
Browse and collect over 1000 animations from the HEAT motion marketplace.
My Library - Animations that are currently available to you. These are animations within your current subscription plan, animations you have personally uploaded, and animations you have purchased from other creators.
Marketplace - All animations available on the HEAT platform.
Uploaded - Animations that you have uploaded to HEAT.
Collected - Animations you have purchased that are not part of a subscription.
In Plan - Animations available to you within your subscription plan.
Here you can apply filters to help you search through whichever subcategory of the marketplace you are currently viewing
The animation cards are the meat of the HEAT marketplace. Each card displays an animated GIF preview of it's animation when hovered over. The blue text at the top shows the title of the animation, and below that the display name of the user that uploaded the animation.
There are three options here when viewing the menu.
Add to Favorites - This will put the animation into your 'Favorites' subcategory.
Save to Collection - This option will allow you to add the animation to a collection of your choice. Collections are user created folders of animations similar to a playlist. We will go over collections more in depth further into this guide.
Share Movement - Here you can copy a link to the animation chosen or automatically share to social media.
The animation card menu will look a little different if you are viewing an animation that you uploaded to your own library.
There are two additional options on this card menu:
Edit Movement - This link will take you to the 'Move Edit' page that you see when initially uploading a movement. We will go over this more in detail in the creator section of this guide.
Delete Movement - This will delete the movement from the HEAT marketplace.
Deleted animations from the HEAT marketplace are gone for good!
In the lower right corner of the animation cards you will see the plan information icons.
Click on an animation card and the page will expand to show more information about that animation.
The animation is now shown in a threeJS viewport. You can rotate the viewport with the left mouse button, zoom with the scroll wheel or right mouse button, and pan with shift + left mouse button. There are also navigation and camera view option buttons along the left side of the viewport.
Below the animation viewport you will see the animation timeline. All heat animations are uploaded at 60 frames per second. The numbers on the left middle are the time in seconds of the animation, and to the right of the the frames of the animation.
Below the timeline you will find the animation name followed by some other key information. The user that uploaded the animation will have their display name here and you can click that name to navigate to their entire library of uploaded animations. Below that you will find the date of the animation upload. Further down you will see the user description of the uploaded animation.
Below the animation information section of the page you will find the tags area. Here you can will see the 'Movement Type', which will show either Hip or Root movement. Also listed are the tags associated with this movement. These tags can be clicked to activate on your list of filters to assist you in finding other similar animations.
All HEAT Exclusive animations are made in ROOT MOTION making them perfect for utilization in game design.
Next we will cover how to build and utilize personal movement collections.
Last updated