Logging Users Into The Heat Platform

Documentation on how to log users into the Heat Platform

Users can be logged into the Heat Platform through a custom authentication flow that proves ownership of a wallet address

Current Supported Chains

Login Flow

Note: This login flow assumes you can interface with a wallet to sign messages

There are two methods for logging a user into the Heat Platform. First is to use a version of the Amazon Amplify library to login. The second is to send a few manual requests in lieu of using the Amazon provided libraries

Manual Steps

Note: Responses will be returned in base64 encoding

  1. Request a challenge message to sign

Make a request to `https://cognito-idp.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/` with a JSON body matching below.

Username is in the format {chainID}-{walletAddress} with chainID being the id of the chain you wish to login with and walletAddress being the 0x prefixed wallet address


2. Sign the message that is returned from the challenge response

A response will be returned with a message to sign in the challenge parameters


    "ChallengeName": "...",
    "ChallengeParameters": {
        "USERNAME": "{chainID}-{walletAddress}",
        "message": "I am signing my one-time nonce: ####",
    "Session": "...", <- Will need this for challenge response!

3. Send signed message as challenge response


    "ChallengeName": "...",
    "ChallengeResponses": {
        "USERNAME": "{chainID}-{walletAddress}",
        "ANSWER": "0x...",
    "Session": "...", <- Same as returned above

4. Access tokens are returned

Once you receive these Oauth 2.0 tokens they can be securely stored, and can be used to access the Heat Platform as an authenticated user

    "AuthenticationResult": {
        "AccessToken": ...,
        "ExpiresIn": ...,
        "idToken": ...,
        "RefreshToken": ...,
        "TokenType": "Bearer",

Last updated